I provide a comprehensive diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder for adults who are experiencing difficulties with aspects of their lives.

The process entails an in-depth background interview followed by an ASD-specific diagnostic tool and intellectual ability measure with the adult seeking diagnosis.  An interview with a person who knows the adult well and preferably knew them as a child (e.g. a parent or older sibling) is also required for a formal diagnosis.  A detailed report is provided at the final feedback session with the client.

Individual consultation to discuss concerns or questions about Autism Spectrum Disorder are also available.



Deciding to seek a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder can be a complex process. Finding the right time to approach this issue is a very personal decision.

It is important to think about what getting, or not getting a diagnosis will mean for you.  It can be helpful for some people to talk to a friend or family member, for other people, talking to a professional may be helpful.

Getting a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder as an adult can be useful for the following:

  • gaining a personal understanding of the reasons why you may struggle with certain aspects of life
  • communicating with friends, family and partners about your strengths and difficulties
  • communicating with and accessing the right services to meet your needs e.g. mental health services, medical services, ASD-specific services etc.
  • asserting your rights with employers and perhaps obtaining assistance to support you in your employment
  • accessing financial supports if your condition impairs your ability to maintain full-time employment

Copyright by Catherine O'Kelly. All rights reserved.